Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Bald Eagle, Delta, BC, Canada - One day you're resting in the nest with your sibling, enjoying all that life has to offer.

Flapping your wings, preparing for the big day when you leave the nest.

However, the nest is quite small for two growing eaglets...

...and suddenly you are falling out of the tree!

You call for help, but nobody answers you.

All you can do is look over the edge to make sure that your sibling is okay.

The poor little eaglet seemed quite distressed after its sibling fell from the tree. She called and called and I guess the parents weren't close by at the time. Fortunately, the eaglet was rescued the next morning by O.W.L., a rescue/rehabilitation center in Delta, B.C. He was a little on the skinny side and his feathers were a little pale in color. He could fly, but was unable to get any height to get back up to the nest. They will be putting him in a flight cage with other eagles and released in a couple of weeks when he is ready to be on his own.

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