Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Barn Owl - Starr Ranch Sanctuary, CA - This pair of owls have a nice comfy home in a eucalyptus tree on the sanctuary in Trabuco Canyon. Apparently this cavity in the tree has been used by Barn Owls for years.

We have eggs! 6 of them! The last egg was laid on January 31st, so we could have an owlet any day now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Allen's Hummingbird - Orange County, CA - Our little feathered friend has flown the coop! ;) Today he took his flight out into the big world!! Here are some parting shots of him. Stay safe little hummer!

A bird always has to be on the lookout!

Preening is a very important job! Birds preen in order to repair, groom, waterproof and condition feathers and also to remove parasites! you know why it seems as if a bird is always preening when you see them - it's a big job!!

This little one has all his flight feathers in - looking pretty spiffy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Allen's Hummingbird, Orange County, CA - This little one is 24 days old today - it won't be long before he fledges. Most of the other hummingbirds seem to have fledged in about 25 days from hatching.

Looking quite grown up.

How can you tell that Mom is in the vicinity? ;)

Ah, food delivery!

Monday, February 2, 2009


While the feathers are developing nicely, so are the little wings.

Once you have feathers, it is a busy job to take care of them!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Our little hummingbird is starting to develop a lot of nice "pinnies" or "pin feathers" or, in layman's terms, developing feathers.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


The other egg didn't hatch, leaving this chick the lone survivor

Check out the little leg!

Mom is always a welcome sight!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Nesting season is upon us once again. It is a bit early where I live, but in warmer places, some birds are starting to set up house again. Our fine feathered Allen's Hummingbird in Orange County, CA rang in the new year with two eggs. On January 16th, one of her eggs hatched. I am not sure if the other one will hatch or not, as it is now 3 days later, but let's wait and see.