Saturday, May 31, 2008


Barn Owl, Italy, Texas, USA - Remember when the owls looked like aliens? Now they are full fledged owls! How beautiful they turned out!

Doing the head bobbing-rolling thing owls do.

What's up?

Feeling a bit suspicious, are we?

Enjoying the sun.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Black Stork, Estonia - 2 weeks old already and look how they have grown!

A rare time when both Mom & Dad are at the nest together.

You can see some of the dark colouring starting to show through their once snow white down.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Blue Tit, New Forest, Hampshire, England - 9 nestlings!

Mom and Dad are very busy with this brood.

Peregrine Falcon, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - 3 chicks!

Black Chinned Hummingbird, Trabuco Canyon, California, USA - 2 chicks!

Allen's Hummingbird, Orange Country, California, USA - This is the fourth clutch for this little hummer in 2008!! Since January, she has successfully raised 4 chicks and is in the process of caring for 1 chick. Her 3rd clutch this year was non-viable and this time around, one of the eggs was non-viable as well. Maybe that is a sign that she needs to slow down a bit? ;)

Here's her recent chick who is about 7 days old here.

Little Owl, Netherlands - 4 very fluffy owlets!

Common Kestrel, Netherlands - 6 chicks!

Eurasian Jackdaw, Finland - 2 chicks!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Bonelli's Eagle, Spain - I am pretty sure that the Bonelli's Eagle has fledged, as the web cam is not up anymore. He was fairly big when I found the cam and I did catch him leaving the nest one day, so apparently his flying skills are a success.

Peregrine Falcons, Virginia, James River Bridge nest and Cobb Island nest - young falcons were translocated to West Virginia for reintroduction efforts. Biologists are ‘hacking’ the young peregrine falcons within New River Gorge National River as part of a restoration program for the species.

James River Bridge nest falcons

Cobb Island falcons

Bald Eagle, Norfolk Botanical Garden, Virginia - The eaglet was removed from the nest after viewers noticed a growth on the side of his beak. After various tests, it was confirmed that the cause of the growth on the eaglet's beak is avian pox. For updates on the little fella, check out the website for the Wildlife Center of Virginia.

Eurasian Eagle Owls, Eifel Mountains, Germany - The 3 young have fledged.

Eurasian Oystercatcher, Norway - The Oystercatcher only had one chick hatch this year. It only hatched a little over two weeks ago and I was a bit worried when I hadn't seen it for some time. I e-mailed the contact person and he graciously sent me a message back. Apparently, Oystercatchers leave the nest right after hatching. He assured me that the little one is running some place on the roof outside view of the camera and that everything is fine and normal. It will not fledge before it's four weeks old, until that it will remain on the roof.

White Stork, Bornheim Nest #1, Germany - Unfortunately for the stork pair in nest #1, their eggs never hatched. It is thought that these storks had some bad luck due to cooler weather and their inexperience. It was noticed at times the eggs would be unprotected for too long, so perhaps that lead to the eggs not being viable.

Friday, May 23, 2008


The little eaglet in Norfolk, Virginia is about 3.5 weeks old now.

Hmmm...time to check out these wings.

The Sea Eagles in Norway are about 3 weeks old.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I found more Barn Owls! Found in a cavity in a eucalyptus tree, this nest site is on the Starr Ranch Sanctuary in California (same area as the Red-shouldered Hawk and the Black Chinned Hummingbird).

Who can resist a face like this??

This is one curious owlet.

These two hatched on April 5th and April 6th.

Yes! We now have a Bald Eagle cam from British Columbia again! After 2 years of watching a Bald Eagle pair raise their broods in Saanich, B.C., this year, the eagle pair decided to nest elsewhere. However, the wildlife foundation that brought us the Saanich eagles, is now kindly sponsoring this nest in Delta, B.C.

And we have two eaglets!

Black Chinned Hummingbird, Starr Ranch, California, 2 eggs were laid on May 7th and 10th respectively.

What an amazing little nest!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We now have an intimate view of the Peregrine Falcons nesting right here in downtown Winnipeg!!

I'm not sure how many eggs she has - usually they lay about 4. In this picture you can see at least two.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Some candid shots of Frida & Diego's young - according to Cornell, there are supposed to be five owlets, but I have only seen four.

This shot shows off their size differences nicely.

Time to give these wings a try.

"I'm walkin, yes indeed and I'm talkin bout you and me.."

I don't know what makes me smile more - the owl's ability to turn their head any which way or the fact that they sit on their "elbows".

The owlets are very active in the wee hours of the morning.

With some of the looks on the owls' faces, you would swear they are looking right into the camera.

The group looks like they are having a right good laugh.