Thursday, May 29, 2008


Blue Tit, New Forest, Hampshire, England - 9 nestlings!

Mom and Dad are very busy with this brood.

Peregrine Falcon, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - 3 chicks!

Black Chinned Hummingbird, Trabuco Canyon, California, USA - 2 chicks!

Allen's Hummingbird, Orange Country, California, USA - This is the fourth clutch for this little hummer in 2008!! Since January, she has successfully raised 4 chicks and is in the process of caring for 1 chick. Her 3rd clutch this year was non-viable and this time around, one of the eggs was non-viable as well. Maybe that is a sign that she needs to slow down a bit? ;)

Here's her recent chick who is about 7 days old here.

Little Owl, Netherlands - 4 very fluffy owlets!

Common Kestrel, Netherlands - 6 chicks!

Eurasian Jackdaw, Finland - 2 chicks!

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