Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We're not even halfway through March and already we have many feathered Moms nesting. Granted, most of them are half a world away or in the Southern & Eastern U.S, but can you imagine how many more there will be in the next month?? I can hardly wait!

Our first Mom is a Barn Owl in Italy, Texas. She has 8 eggs and hatching is expected to begin within the next week.

Our next bird is nesting in Orange County, California and is an Allen's Hummbird. She has already fledged two young within the past month, and hopefully, these two eggs in her nest will hatch successfully.

Okay, here is the nest halfway around the world - in Bornheim, Germany, this nest at Bornheimer Sports Field has 2 eggs already.

This Peregrine Falcon's nest in Virginia has 2 eggs. I just found this nest, so I have no idea when she started incubating.

Lastly, we have a Great Horned Owl nesting at California State University. From my research(boy I am glad that there are other cam-aholics out there like me, documenting information), as of March 4th, there were 3 eggs.

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