Thursday, July 3, 2008


Eurasian Kestrel, Muttenz, Switzerland - It all started around the 28th of June - the young kestrels could be seen peering over the edge.

Oops...looks like this one knows something! ;)

Then the ledge acrobatics started.

This is a great shot showing the differences in the chicks. You can see that a couple of them have more fluffy down than feathers. These birds would be the youngest in the clutch.

By June 20th, the nest was down to 4 chicks, with yet another brave one venturing out on the ledge.

You can see that the wings are nicely developed.

More acrobatics!

The chicks are getting quite restless and can be seen running around the nest box and flapping their wings.

July 1st and there are only 3 chicks left.

By July 3rd, there are only 2 chicks left. Remember how the youngest was still fluffy and downy? Not anymore! They are beginning to look full grown, like their siblings.

By the end of they day on July 3rd, all 5 chicks had left the nest.

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